Ecommerce - Justrite Safety Group

Justrite® is the leading source of storage, handling and security products including fire prevention safety equipment for hazardous materials, environmental protection spill containment devices, and specialized storage products. Mission Sell directly to the end-user; safety manager, engineer or operational manager who may not use a distributor and where transactional convenience is key (speed). Our data indicated that it would be possible to convert our online audience, who placed a high value on Justrite's industrial safety expertise, to purchasers with a higher willingness to pay. Rationale Manufacturers are re-evaluating their relationships with distribution networks and selling direct, although still necessary for the majority of sales. Some growing concerns by Justrite were; 1. Ineffective use of co-op dollars by distributors 2. Lack of voice of customer (VOC) knowledge from customer journey 3. Distribution using our own brand equity to push their own private label products (bait and switch)

Ecommerce - Justrite Safety Group